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Dental Assisting: APA Citation

References List

The last page of your essay is called the "References" list. This is where you list the full citation of the sources you used to write your paper.

Reference List example

To create the citations for your sources:

1. Identify the type of source you are citing (book, magazine article, website, etc.)
2. Look up the APA format for that source type
3. Follow the format filling in the appropriate information from your source

This page will give you the citation formats for an APA References List.

Formatting the References list

APA (7th edition) requires specific formatting for your paper and References list.


More Questions? APA Resources

The OWL at Purdue: APA Style  Another source of information about in-text citation and creating a list of references.

In text citaiton

In addition to creating the References list, you are also required to include in text citation.

This is a brief citation within your research paper that is placed after information which is quoted or paraphrased from the sources you. In text citation for APA generally requires three pieces of information:

1. Author's last name
2. Year the source was published
3. The page number the information came from

Sample of APA intext citation

The intext citation is often included at the end of a quote or paraphase and is formatted like this: (Author's Last Name, Year, p. #). However, the placement of the intext can change depending on  whether or not you introduce the author in your quote or paraphrasing, but the same information for the citation is still required. See examples below.

Example 1 (paraphrased): Eighty percent of children in the US eat grapes ​(Jenkins, 2011, p. 3).

Example 2 (quoted): Jenkins (2011) states, "In the United States, grapes are consumed by 80% of children" (p. 3).

For more information on APA intext citation, click here.